2025 Whitewater Trip Schedule
*Members interested in coordinating a trip should email Joe Cunningham at Joepaddles@gmail.com
Date |
Coordinator | |
March 15 | Tohickon Creek | Joe Cunningham - joepaddles@gmail.com | |
May 10 | Lehigh River |
TBD | |
May 17 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
May 24 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
May 25 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
June 7 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
June 8 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
June 21 | Lehigh River | Sean Hennessey - hennessy@pennmedicine.upenn.edu | |
June 22 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
July 12 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
July 13 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
July 19 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
July 20 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
July 26 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
July 27 | Lehigh River |
TBD | |
August 2 | Lehigh River |
TBD | |
August 3 | Lehigh River |
TBD | |
August 9 | Lehigh River |
TBD | |
August 10 | Lehigh River |
TBD | |
August 16 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
August 17 | Lehigh River |
TBD | |
August 23 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
August 24 | Lehigh River |
TBD | |
August 29 - September 1 | Labor Day Yough | TBD | |
August 30 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
August 31 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
October 10 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
October 11 | Lehigh River | TBD | |
November 2-3 | Tohickon Creek | TBD |
PCC Goes On Trips!
The Philadelphia Canoe Club takes trips all over - locally, the US, Canada, and points further abroad..All trips are open to anyone, as long as they can paddle safely with us!
If you want to come along with us, feel free to find a trip you are interested in, and contact the person who is coordinating the event. In some cases, you can even sign up for the trip online. If you have questions about what you need for a specific trip, see the trip description, and consider contacting the listed coordinator for the event
In addition to one-and multi-day trips, there are short paddles leaving from the Club on a number of Wednesdays and Thursdays in the late afternoon. Non-members are welcome and equipment is available for rental. Check the club calendar for dates, and—as for all trips—contact the trip coordinator in advance.
Whitewater canoeing and kayaking requires training, and some specialized safety gear. To come along on one of our whitewater trips, you will need to have taken some previous training, either from one of our courses, or elsewhere. Skill level may also be a factor, as more difficult sections may require more training or experience. If you want to join us, and are just starting out, contact us about some training. If you have experience, and think you'd like to join a trip, contact the coordinator of that trip, to make sure it is a good fit for your skill level.
To join us.. Look at the club calendar for all current trips and contact the trip coordinator for the trip you are interested in joining. Trip coordinators MUST be contacted by all participants prior to event. You can NOT just show up at the put-in.
PCC policy requires boats to be used only on bodies of water that PCC uses for training. Club boats cannot be used on rivers above class II except for training classes. The fleet captain can make exceptions for members to use boats for other bodies of water.
Active members may borrow PCC-owned boats and other boating equipment for their own use for the day as long as it does not conflict with PCC-sponsored training programs or trips. Members wishing to take out gear overnight or for an extended period of time must contact the Fleet Captain. Availability of boats will be based on our need to have the boats for training, PCC trips, or other club activities such as Open House. Any member borrowing a boat or other equipment must sign for it in the sign-out book in the stone shed and sign it back in at the end of the day upon returning the equipment. Boats should be cleaned after use.
Non-members and non-resident club members may only borrow PCC boats for use on official club trips (trips published in the club schedule, CaNews, and on the web). All borrowed boats must be signed out by an active club member and counter signed by the non-member borrower with his phone number and address. If the boat is borrowed for more than three days, they must pay a $20.00 per day wear-and-tear fee. The member who signs the boat out is responsible for collecting the fee and turning it over to the treasurer.
Equipment borrowers must pay for repair or replacement due to damage, except normal wear and tear, which will be determined by the Fleet Captain. All damage to boats must be reported in the boat damage report form located in the boat shed. No person who damages a boat should be allowed to borrow another boat or equipment until they pay for the repairs to the damaged boat or equipment.
On the day of training or a club trip, the availability of boats may be diminished. Be cognizant of our training and trips schedules. Members wishing to borrow a boat on the day of training or a PCC trip must call the instructor or trip leader to see if there are any extra boats for the day. Availability of club boats is at the discretion of the instructor or the trip leader.
Remember that you are responsible for the safe and timely return of all borrowed equipment. Please return the boat clean and the equipment in good condition.
Altering club equipment is not allowed without the permission of the Fleet Captain and the PCC board of directors. Do not borrow other club members’ boats without their permission. Do not borrow any boat not designated as a PCC boat. Boats may not be signed out overnight or for longer periods of time without first talking to the Fleet Captain. Failure to do so may result in executive board disciplinary action against you.
Contact the Fleet Captain at fleet@philacanoe.org.
Meet at the club on Wednesday's at approximately 5pm to paddle the Schyulkill from Flatrock Dam to the Club.
Participation requires that you have taken a class with us or have successfully paddled whitewater with us in the past.
Typically we start doing Wednesday night Flatrock paddles on the first wednesday after Memorial Day, and end them the Last Wednesday before Labor day.
You don't need to have your own gear, you can rent gear and a boat for $10.
Non ACA members will need to pay additional $10 to cover insurance.
For more info contact fleet@philacanoe.org